South East Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service (SE HMDS)
King's has been a Regional Centre for diagnostic services for over 20 years, providing Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic and Molecular Diagnostic services to haematologists; covering most of Southeast England, with populations varying from densely urban to rural with wide variations in levels of affluence and deprivation.
There has been a steady rise in referrals (now over 12,000 samples per year) to Synnovis Analytics laboratories (Kings Denmark Hill Site) , from clinicians who require increasingly sophisticated and accurate haematological diagnoses, for diagnosis and disease monitoring.
Key features:
- The Flow Cytometry laboratory now processes over 6,000 samples per year for Immunophenotyping.
- The Cytogenetics/FISH laboratory is one of the largest in the UK, with 6 Clinical Scientist and 5 technical staff, analysing over 4,000 samples/year by conventional cytogenetics and over 2000 samples/year by FISH techniques
- The Laboratory for Molecular Haemato-Oncology (LMH) provides a wide repertoire of translocation detection, mutation screen analyses and quantitative monitoring for Minimal Residual Disease in myeloid and lymphoid diseases. Pre- and post-transplant molecular analysis with a 16 point profile provides sensitive post-transplant Chimerism monitoring of engraftment to guide clinical intervention with DLI. LMH performs approximately 17,000 tests per year
- With the publication of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance on the cancer services, 'Improving Outcomes in Haematological Cancers' (IOG), King's has made the logical extension to develop the Regional Specialist Diagnostic Services as outlined in the guidance.
- This is also consistent with the Carter Report recommendations on NHS laboratory services in England with regard to building capacity and providing an enhanced level of equipment and expertise. King's has appointed three full-time IOG Consultants to develop these services and providing NICE IOG-compliant 'whole-system' integrated diagnostic and reporting processes capable of producing a final electronic integrated diagnostic report. This is achieved by developing a multidisciplinary team of specialist pathologists who provide a high-volume, rapid turn-round, integrated diagnostic service in a single laboratory.
We aim to provide:
- Efficient, comprehensive diagnostic services for haematological malignancies.
- An effective interface with Clinical Haemato-Oncology services through Multidisciplinary meetings (MDM).
- Research, development, evaluation and the introduction of new diagnostic techniques.
- Rapid response to technology changes and clinical needs.
- Support to clinical and epidemiological research.
- Education and training programmes for clinical and scientific staff.
Our current test Request Forms can be seen on the SE Genomics website
Last updated on 24/02/2025
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Operational Lead
Service Delivery Manager & Interim Head of Cytogenetics
Consultant Haematologist
Joint Clinical Lead
Joint Laboratory Director
Head of Immunophenotyping

Joint Clinical Lead
Joint Laboratory Director

Service Delivery Manager

SE-HMDS Department at King's College Hospital
020 3299 9000 ext 32414
c/o Central Specimen Reception
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
Blood Sciences Laboratory
Ground Floor Bessemer Wing
King’s College Hospital
Denmark Hill
London SE5 9RS
Mon-Fri, 9.00am-5.30pm
Last updated: 24/02/2025